Friday, February 7, 2014

January 29th, 2014 Meeting - Welcome back!

Hello, everyone!
It's been a long time, but we are finally back in session! We had a meeting on January 29th to welcome the club back and go over the plan for the semester. The meeting began with a discussion about future e-board members. Our current president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer are all seniors, so the group will be going through a transition at the end of the semester. Several people expressed interest in taking over one of those positions.

Jenn announced to the club that our $1,000 donation to the Global Uganda project was sent.

Next we discussed upcoming events, including the Swimarathon and Dump 'n' Run. The Rotaractors who are available signed up for Swimarathon and agreed to hang posters around campus about the event. Dump 'n' Run will be covered in an upcoming meeting.

Another topic brought up was Adopt-a-Highway. Josh was contacted by someone from PennDot and was told that the section we originally thought was ours will be expanding. All Rotaractors agreed that this was a good thing and that we will plan a highway clean up day once the weather becomes warmer.

Have a great day! :)

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